Tim In Africa

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Today is the 16th of August, and that means in 17 days, I will be boarding a plane with a group of students and supervisors, and we'll be heading for Africa.
This entire summer has been an arduous wait.
I started working at the tail end of last semester, and hadn't stopped.
But it's all paid off now and I'm nearly on my way to enjoy the greatest semester of all.
I'm hoping that while I'm there, I will not only learn how Africa "works," but also how they think America "works". The one beauty of traveling, is learning the impression that other cultures have on your own country.
And in these stressfull times, an impression can mean a lot.
I'm hoping to meet plenty of locals that have a good life. Or at least are happy. And friendly.
I'm want to bond well with the other students that are taking this journey with me.
And of course, I want to fill my portfolio with pictures.

Thanks to anyone who decides to keep up with me on my status abroad.
I will miss my friends and family very much while I am away.
And even though I havn't even left yet. . .I'm anxious to come back with stories, pictures and gifts.


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